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Find Commute Options

The Commute Platform is a quick, secure, and personal way to find all your commuting options. Using your home and work addresses, you can find a carpool or bus that matches your commute and search for nearby commuters looking for carpool, biking, or walking partners.

Your home address will never appear on any other match lists, and you choose who and when to contact a potential match. You’ll be surprised to see how much you’re spending on your commute each day!

Rideshare with friends

Free Transit Passes and Clipper Card

Many sustainable transit options are available to support the transportation and mobility needs of the Stanford community. We provide commute assistance to affiliates who are benefits eligible.

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Bicycle Program

Bicycle At Stanford, biking is one of the most sustainable ways to navigate the campus and commute to work. Our bike program, nationally recognized as a four-time Platinum Level Bicycle Friendly University, incorporates the five E's of a successful program -- Education, Equity, Engineering, Encouragement, and Evaluation. We strive to ensure biking is an efficient and safe commute mode. We invite you to learn more about our resources and join as one of the 13,000+ bicycles traversing the campus daily.

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Pre-Tax Payroll Deduction

Eligible employees can save on expenses for their commute by signing up for Stanford’s pre-tax payroll deduction program.

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Whether you live on campus or off, whether you drive to campus five days a week or you're just visiting for the day, find out about parking at Stanford.

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Download the Commute Platform App

Get directions, find rides, and log trips on the go